
 Man’s best friend, his canine companion… what’s not to love about dogs? They are loyal, kind, and just so damn cute. Right! But this may come as a surprise to you as there are still certain breeds of dogs that are banned around the world. Some of these dog names are labeled or most of the dog lovers would say mislabeled as “dangerous animals”. 

While it may look fascinating to see videos of people sharing their homes with wild animals, it is obviously not wise to keep them. People how to look after such wild animals need the daily assistance of specialists and experts. And by the way wild animals, we don’t mean a ferocious lion or cheetah! There are a lot of vicious pet animals which people love to keep with them, I don’t know why… maybe just for fun sake are listed as “banned pets” in India. 

While you may think owning a dog might not be an issue as they are not wild animals, but still, some dog breeds are very hard and dan and that’s why they are banned at some places. Well, in this blog we are going to talk about which kinds of dogs should be banned in India and why? 

Actually, no dog breed is banned in India but some of them we definitely think should be banned. Three top dog names that must be banned immediately are Rottweiler, Wolf Hybrid, and Indian Mastiff’s

Dogs and their owners and family members have always had a very good relationship. Nobody can argue against the reality that having a dog at home is actually a blessing.

But occasionally, things can go both ways. In order to purchase pricey and rare breeds from throughout the world, dog owners literally do errands. However, simply possessing a rare breed is insufficient to accomplish the goal.

Particularly if your dog is an exotic or uncommon breed, you must genuinely know how to care for it. Many people find it challenging to handle the heat and humidity of India, whereas some people adapt to the country’s temperature very well.

Dogs and their owners and family members have always had a very good relationship. Nobody can argue against the reality that having a dog at home is actually a blessing.

But occasionally, things can go both ways. In order to purchase pricey and rare breeds from throughout the world, dog owners literally do errands. However, simply possessing a rare breed is insufficient to accomplish the goal.

Particularly if your dog is an exotic or uncommon breed, you must genuinely know how to care for it. Many people find it challenging to handle the heat and humidity of India, whereas some people adapt to the country’s temperature very well.


1. Rottweiler

The Rottweilers are known as one of the most dangerous dog breeds around the world. It is said that Rottweiler’s teeth and body are the most powerful in all the dog’s breeds. If it is catching something from its teeth, then it can swing your body in a way that you might get dragged on the floor and would never leave anything they get to hold. Because of the Rottweiler attacks, 47 people have died in the US last year and this is a huge number when compared with any other dog. Their original task earlier was to protect goats and sheep from wild animals. Today they are used by the Indian Police force as they are super protective for their clan against enemies. 

2. Wolf Hybrid

You all guessed it right Yes, friends, these dogs are crossed with Wolf breeds and hence there are many characteristics of the Wolf. Usually, they are found in Germany and European countries and by nature, but the number of wolf dogs has increased in India lately. As its name suggests they are very aggressive as wild wolves are. And also, hybrid dogs do have different temperaments and hence it becomes difficult for us to handle them. By the way, they can be trained, but this is a very bone-breaking task to make wild animals into lovely pets. If they feel that something is theirs’s and it is being snatched, then they become very aggressive, and they even do not recognize their owner when they are angry. 

3. Indian Mastiff

India Mastiff or Bully Kutta literally translates as a heavily wrinkled dog. Other names for these breeds are Kumaon Mastiff, Sindh mastiff, Pakistani bully, and even Indian bully dogs. Given that it is the largest and the strongest Mastiff in North India, they are also one of the most massive dogs present on this planet. This breed was specially created in the 16th century as a working dog. They were used for hunting and protecting us from wild animals and that’s the reason why they can’t really live with other pets… mainly because of their aggressive behavior.

So, these were the dogs that we expect should be banned in Indian. However, we still don’t have a correct law regarding this. No specific breed of dog is banned; however, the Indian Government banned the import of dogs for breeding or other business activity in 2016. Only pet dogs with a legitimate pet book and relevant documents within the name of the importer are permitted to be imported. Also, it’s allowed for defense and police forces and R&D organizations.

This ban is strongly supported by several animal rights activists as most pet owners do not have a transparent understanding of the necessities of the imported breeds like Siberian husky, Rottweiler, St. Bernard, etc. Also, these breeds cannot tolerate the warmth in India. They get adversely tormented by it. These factors have led to a rise in the number of abandoned dogs in pet shelters and streets.

See, at the end of the day dog lovers are going to say that dogs are social animals, and they must care in any situation. But let me tell you something like no two humans are the same, dogs too have different personalities. Precautions should be always a priority and some measures have to be taken to save you and your family from unwanted accidents. 

Additionally, certain breeds are extremely risky and even dangerous to their owners
